30th mar
*horse riding*
1st 2 pic: yiling made brownies. her brownies n ice cream! yummy!
headed to her house to "sample" her baking before class. i ended up being late for lect. but hack, its worth it!
horse riding: my beloved PJ had a sore leg, so i couldnt ride her. disappointed i was =(
instead i had bella. i couldnt exactly enjoy myself at this session. becos i didnt know how to "instruct" her. well, each horse has its own style and its abt getting use to a particular horse. its like e saying goes, a master knows his horse best. its so true. with a new horse, it almost mean learning it all over again.
anyway that's me and my horse instructor. she's so nice. and becos i was wearing that tees, we found out that her bday is just a day after mine! cool huh?
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