Friday, April 20, 2007

12th apr
welcome welcome to Nelson! according to many, Nelson is known for her sunny weather. and it is true, well at least much warmer and sunny-er as compared to Dunedin.
e houses r so pretty.

12th apr
drive drive drive! on our way to Nelson.
we did many crazy things in e mean time! hehe.

11th apr
yup! that carolyn n david in the hall, before we had to leave this beautiful farm.
well, so after we left, dinner, kfc. no more homecooked meal.

11th apr
see e yellow flowers? thats a type of weed!
alright so into carolyn garden, these are some of the many many plants she grows.
pretty huh?

11th apr
ok! so in e process of getting close to all these plants, we were actually weeding. now i know quite well what are weeds, what aint. well, some weeds are actually so pretty. too pretty to be plucked n thrown away, but its still a weed, so i hate to do it.
well, i accidentally pulled out this tiny carrot. opps!
yea! thats e amount of weed! we had approx 3 loads of it!

11th apr
apple tree, pear tree, a huge leafy veggie plant (my hand's there on purpose, to illustrate how huge e leaf is), and yam (which is grown undergrown, guess many didnt know that. hehe)

11th apr
more plants!
pumpkin, veggie, carrot, yam!

10/11th apr
ok! tea time again. looks yummy huh? its from the garden too. except for the lamp chop though. but the lamb meat from e neighbour who has a lamb farm apparently.
so we had pumpkin, potatoes, carrot, veggie.
for dessert we had some pudding. goes well with milk n cream. yummy
well to deserve such food, i worked for it. so thats me! at work!

10th apr
cant recall whats e 1st fruit. *hehe
see that cat? and e mouse in his mouse? well apparently after observing them for a while, they seem to be friends n playing the cat n mouse game, i'm serious.
yea! e peach i'm eating, i just pluck from e tree and it was THAT particular peach. *hehe

10th apr
more lettus, cabbage, e peach tree, berries too

10th apr
cant remember whats e first one! ling help!
spring onion, lettus, carrot plants

10th apr
we have lemon tree, beetroot, chile, pasily plant

10th apr
glimps into the many parts of e farm plantation.
see those white tags from the soil? i think those are like "name tags" for e plants.
e whole farm plantation is 4 hectors big

10th apr
while working hard, plucking weeds, david offered us peaches. plucked straight from his peach tree.
it taste different from those peaches we can get from the supermarket!

10th apr
for getting accomodation and food, we have to work for it!
so here i am being a farmer! a real farmer! in a real farm!
a whole pile of saw dust. had to scope e saw dust into the trolley, transport it to the planting ground, for david to spread it evenly over his daffodia plantation.
its fun! but tough work! learnt lots on e way too! abt his farm, plantation, how things are done, e process etc etc.

9th apr
presented with a delicious tea aka dinner. well dinner = tea.
e veggie, potatoes, corns are growth from their garden. freshly picked n cooked.
in e evening, we went for a "talk". about using herbs in cooking. my farm host, carolyn is e chairperson, david e treasure of this society. Daffodia Society of Dunedin. cool huh?
nono! those 2 persons in e pic, aint my farmhost. e lady in orange was e speaker. e guy was like e secretary recording what was said.
this is my favourite herb. i guess e speaker noticed that i paid special attention to this herb, at e end of e program, she gave it to me! how nice. its with me now. dried it. =)

9th apri
met up with carolyn at city library, then headed to our farmstay place!
so here we are!
some "plant crops" that are in the process of seedlings!
fireplace. a real fireplace!

9th apr
pit stop at a strawberry farm. but it isnt exactly e strawberry season now.
see how huge e cart of strawberries arh! bigger than me!
and so we reached CHC. hungry we were, so headed to e asian place. had beef stew rice noodles soup, very hot. its was yummy! had such a hearty meal! =)
dad mum i'll bring u to this particular restaurant for a meal when we're in chc!

9th apr
its the mid semester break! yuppie! travelling here we come!
we're starting our journey from dud to chc early on monday morning! slpt over at ling's place! =p
view from the car!
4.25hrs journey. record breaking! *hehe


Anonymous Kia Plantation said...

I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 4:07:00 AM GMT+13  

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